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a night in the lotus field

a night in the lotus fields

This is popup book model I made and rendered with Renderman

Programs: Maya, Photoshop, Renderman

Responsible for: All aspects 


Gathering References

The first thing I did was gathering references for the popup book. I gathered all images I felt was relevant aesthetics-wise and object-wise.

Real life mock-up

I then started making a paper mock-up of what I had in mind. It is just a rough idea of how I wanted it to be.


Then I started modeling all the objects in Maya. 

Look Development

I dug around the internet for the book pages and wood textures. I eventually took photos of my wooden flooring to use as textures for the project.  I proceeded to photoshop to make the textures the right size, clone stamp and create a blank page as well as the drawing that will be placed in the scene. 

Lighting passes

Next, I started messing around with the lighting. It took a while to find the perfect lighting. I changed lighting quite a lot, wanting to find one that I really like. At first the lighting was too cyan and I toned it down into a soft blue with a hint of purple to match night time a bit better.

Final thoughts

Learning a new render software was a little challenging, but with perseverance and determination, I started to understand a bit more. Overall, I really like the theme of the project and how it turned out. I also understand now why Renderman is used in the industry since it is able to produce amazing renders and have amazing ray tracing! It also looks stylized in a way that adds a fun touch to it, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm glad I was able to use Renderman for this project.

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